Spider Plants: All You Need To Know
Looking to buy a spider plant? You’ve come to the right place. Spider plants are beautiful plants that bring life to any home!
But many people don’t know how to care for them properly. Without proper care, spider plants can quickly become leggy and unattractive.
If you’re thinking about adding a spider plant to your home, here’s everything you need to know.
What are spider plants, and where do they come from?
Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are perennial flowering plants that come from the tropics.

They are notable for their hanging spider-like flowers, which dangle downward from long stalks.
Hence, the name for the plant comes from the fact that the flowers do look like spiders. Spider plants are a variety of shades, including white, pink, and purple. They are also one of the easiest houseplants to grow, perfect for beginner gardeners.
With proper care, spider plants can thrive for years in your home. Although they originate from warm climates, spider plants are cold-tolerant and can survive year-round as indoor houseplants in most environments.
Spider plants grow well in indirect sunlight or partial shade. While spider plants are beautiful and make excellent indoor houseplants, they also serve a purpose beyond aesthetic appeal: they filter carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night, providing cleaner air for your home.
How do I water a spider plant?
Spider plants are one of the easiest houseplants to care for and require very little maintenance. Spider plants can go weeks without water but will thrive if they are watered thoroughly when the soil turns dry.
Unfortunately, over-watering is one of the most common causes of spider plant death, so avoid watering them too often.
To water a spider plant:
Soak it in a bucket or sink with about five inches of room temperature water for up to an hour.
Allow excess water to drain from the pot before returning the plant to its normal potting container. Always use room temperature water when watering plants, as cold water will shock them.
How to prune a spider plant?
If you’re looking to keep your spider plant looking its best, regular pruning is critical. Pruning a spider plant is easy and can be done every few months to help keep it healthy and looking good.
Pruning a spider plant involves removing the dead or damaged leaves from the plant. You can also cut back any long or leggy stems to keep the plant compact and bushy.
Be sure to use sharp scissors when pruning your spider plant, as blunt scissors can damage the delicate leaves.
If you notice any flowers or buds forming on the plant, be sure to remove them as well. Buds will not produce new leaves and flowers will take energy away from the plant.
How to revive a wilting spider plant?
If your spider plant is wilting, there are a few things you can do to revive it.
First, make sure you’re watering it properly. Spider plants need about an inch of water per week, so if it’s been dry, give it a good soak.
The plant may be thirsty if the leaves are wilting, but the stem is still firm.
If the stem is wilding and bending, the plant is likely getting too much water and needs to dry out.
In either case, place the plant in a bright spot with indirect sunlight and wait until it perks up before watering again.
What’s the best spider plant fertilizer?
Spider plants are hardy but still require soil nutrients to thrive indoors. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they access proper nutrients for strong, healthy growth.
Carefully dilute a balanced fertilizer (20-20-20) and apply it with a spray bottle once every few months work to keep spider plants healthy.
An alternative option is to mix one teaspoon of organic liquid fertilizer such as fish emulsion or worm tea in one gallon of water and apply the mixture to the soil around the plant.
Make sure to avoid over-fertilizing plants, as this can burn roots and lead to spider plants turning yellow.
What are the benefits of having a spider plant?
Easy to care for
Spider plants are popular houseplants because they’re easy to care for, and they’re very tolerant of neglect. They can even tolerate low-light environments. As long as you keep the soil moist and provide them with some fertilizer every few months, your spider plant will be happy and healthy.
Spider plants are fast-growing plants that can quickly take over a space. Spider plants will continue growing and producing new baby plants long after the original plant moves from its pot!
However, if you want to limit a spider plant’s growth, pinch off any babies before they have a chance. This will prevent them from taking all of the nutrients from their mother.
Air purification
They’re good for purifying the air and removing toxins, and producing oxygen at night. As such, they’re great for bedrooms and home offices. They can even help keep your air healthy by removing toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air.
Great for beginner gardeners
Although some plants are finicky and temperamental, spider plants are not one. As long as you water them regularly and keep their soil moist, they’re perfect for beginners. It doesn’t get much easier than that!
Aesthetically pleasing
Their long, trailing vines make them a perfect choice for hanging baskets or planters, and they can even be attached to a trellis or grown in a garden bed. With their beautiful leaves and easy care requirements, it’s not surprising that spider plants are a favorite for many.
Safe for pets
Spider plants are safe for pets as they’re non-toxic. When you think of safe plants for pets, most people probably picture something like a catnip plant.
But spider plants, despite their name, are also non-toxic to cats and dogs. They’re even safe for rabbits! That’s because the only part of a spider plant that is toxic is its sap and it’s not found in large amounts on the leaves or flowers.
The ASPCA is saying that the spider plant isn’t toxic to cats, but it’s still best if your cat avoids touching its leaves.
While they are non-toxic, spider plants are related to opium. This means that they do produce small amounts of chemicals that are hallucinogenic, which can be harmful to animals if they consume too much.
It’s important to note that you should never eat the leaves of a spider plant, as they might cause you an upset stomach.
Spider plants are a natural insecticide
They’re quite effective at killing insects like ants and aphids. This is because the plant releases a chemical called “nepetalactone” through its leaves, which disrupts the insect’s nervous system.
Aphids are attracted to spider plants because of their nectar-like secretions. But when they get too close, they’re met with a swift death from the nepetalactone that spider plants release.
Speeds recovery in patients
A Texas A.M. University study discovered are beneficial to health. Not only do they help to purify the air, but they also speed recovery in patients.
Spider plants remove toxins from the air, which can help to improve the patient’s overall health. In addition, patients who have been diagnosed with conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies can use spider plants to help control their symptoms.
Increases humidity
Spider plants can increase humidity levels in your home, which is why they are perfect for bathrooms. They release water vapor into the air, which helps to increase humidity levels.
What are the different types of spider plants?
There are many different types of spider plants, but they all share the same basic features. Spider plants grow in a rosette pattern that is distinctive and easy to recognize.
They also come in various colors and textures, some with purple or red leaves and others with green or white stripes on their leaves.
Some of the different types include:
- Standard Spider Plant: This is the most common spider plant and has green leaves with white stripes.
- Variegated Spider Plant: This type has green leaves with white stripes and is a little bit harder to find.
- Purple Spider Plant: This type has purple leaves and is a beautiful addition to any home.
- Red Spider Plant: This type has red leaves and is a striking addition to any room.
What type of environment do spider plants prefer?
Spider plants are incredibly versatile and can grow in various environments, but they do prefer bright, indirect sunlight.
They can be planted in soil or water and prefer moist but not wet environments. A well-drained potting mix is ideal. In colder climates, spider plants should be inside during the winter months.
How to care for a spider plant, including water, light, and soil requirements?
A water plant is an aquatic plant that lives in the water year-round. It requires light and nutrients, place your spider plant near a window or another light source.
The soil should be soaked in water for 10 minutes before being placed in the pot. To maintain healthy roots, you need to add fertilizer every week or two weeks.
If your plants don’t have enough sun exposure, they will not grow properly because sunlight aids photosynthesis, creating food from carbon dioxide and water.
Is it possible to propagate new spider plants from existing ones?
Yes, spider plants are hearty species that propagate quickly. Check to see how a plant is positioned and gently break a stem from its base or upturn the entire pot so pups, which have been growing from deeper down, can be seen.

To propagate spider plants from cuttings, you should select the best three or four stems using their mutation in color as your guide, ensuring they have at least six leaves each.
Cut them between 30 and 45 degrees to release their stored sugar stores. Place the cuttings in a jar filled with clean water. Change the water if it turns cloudy, and wait for the roots to grow.
Keep the spider plant roots deep in the soil and make sure they are level with one another. Fill in around these base parts of your plants so that you can get them wet without soaking all of them, but don’t get any on top!
Do spider plants need fertilizer? If so, how to apply it, and when?
Spider plants are hardy species that propagate easily. However, they still need to be fertilized to maintain their health and growth.
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth, so you should use a nitrogen-based fertilizer.
You can apply it either through the soil or as a foliar spray. Foliar spraying is a better option because it helps the nutrients absorb through the leaves, where they’re needed most.
Apply the fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. Fresh fertilizers release strong fumes, so you should avoid inhaling them and use as many organic options as possible.
What are some problems and pests affecting spider plants?
While spider plants are generally pest-free, there are a few problems you may encounter occasionally.
Common pests affecting spider plants include aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and spider mites. These insects can damage the plant’s foliage and cause it to look unhealthy.
If you notice any of these pests on your plants, take action right away to get rid of them. Many pesticides will kill these pests, but you should always read the label carefully before using them.
How long does a spider plant live?
Spider Plants will typically grow from 2-3 years before dying off. It’s essential to know these life spans to plan and buy a new plant when necessary.
When is the best time to water spider plants?
As a general rule of thumb, water your spider plant’s soil every 2-3 days during its growing season and about once per week in the winter when there is less light exposure.
Watering spider plants depend on many factors, such as light exposure, room temperature, and how quickly its soil dries out. After you put your finger into the ground approximately half an inch deep and leave it for 10 seconds, that’s the time to water your plant.
The best way to determine if your spider plant needs water is by its weight and texture. If you pick up your potted spider plant and it feels light, chances are it is incredibly thirsty. On the other hand, if your potted spider plant feels heavy, it doesn’t need water.
Are spider plants dangerous or pose any health threat?
No, spider plants are not dangerous and do not pose any health threats. Spider plants are entirely safe to be around and touch.
However, some animal studies demonstrate that spider plants can be poisonous when ingested in large doses. The toxins can cause vomiting, muscle tremors, and paralysis.
If you put the plant in your mouth and touch it on the inside of your lip, you will likely feel a numbing feeling.
Although this sensation is harmless, it may be unpleasant for some people. If this happens to you, wash out your mouth with water. In most cases, spider plants are not dangerous as long as they are used correctly!