Thermal Bridging: All You Need to Know About

Thermal bridging can have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of a building.

When heat flows through a building component or element, such as a wall or roof, it can lead to energy losses and increased heating and cooling costs.

Additionally, thermal bridging can result in cold spots in the building, which can be uncomfortable for occupants and can lead to condensation and mold growth.

Addressing thermal bridging in building design and construction involves identifying areas where heat loss or gain may occur and implementing measures to minimize these effects.

In this post, we will explore the importance of understanding and addressing thermal bridging in building design and construction, and discuss its impact on building energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

Thermal Bridge and its Causes

thermal image of house

Thermal bridging occurs when a building component or element allows heat to flow out of or into a building.

This can occur due to structural materials with high thermal conductivity or design and construction flaws.

There are several common types of thermal bridges that can occur in buildings.

Structural materials with high thermal conductivity

Structural materials with high thermal conductivity, such as steel or concrete, can act as thermal bridges if they are not properly insulated or if there is a break in the insulation around them.

These materials can easily transfer heat through them, allowing heat to escape or enter a building more easily.

In this way, structural materials with high thermal conductivity can significantly impact the energy efficiency and comfort of a building.

Design and construction flaws

Design and construction flaws are common causes of thermal bridging in building design and construction.

Inadequate insulation or improper detailing can create breaks in the insulation that allow heat to flow out of or into a building more easily, leading to increased energy consumption and reduced occupant comfort.

These flaws can occur at any stage of the design or construction process, from the initial planning and specification phases to the final installation of building components and elements.

Detecting and correcting these flaws can be challenging, particularly once the building is completed.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that the design and construction process is carefully managed and quality control measures are implemented to minimize the potential for these flaws to occur.

This can include regular inspections and testing during construction, as well as ongoing maintenance and monitoring of the building envelope and insulation performance.

Common types of thermal bridges

There are several common types of thermal bridges that occur in buildings, including:

Understanding the causes and types of thermal bridges is essential for designing and constructing energy-efficient buildings.

By addressing thermal bridging in building design and construction, we can improve building energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

Effects of Thermal Bridging

Thermal bridging can have significant effects on building performance and occupant comfort. Some of the effects of thermal bridging include:

Increased heat loss or gain

Thermal bridging can significantly impact the energy efficiency of a building by causing increased heat loss or gain through a building component or element.

This occurs when there is a break in the insulation or a material with high thermal conductivity is used, allowing heat to transfer more easily through the component or element.

As a result, the building may require more energy to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, leading to higher energy consumption and costs.

Reduced insulation performance

Thermal bridging can have a significant impact on the insulation performance of a building.

When there is a break in the insulation or a material with high thermal conductivity is used, heat can flow more easily through the building envelope, reducing its overall insulation performance.

This can lead to increased energy consumption and higher energy costs, as the building requires more energy to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. 

Higher energy consumption and costs

Thermal bridging can result in higher energy consumption and costs, as more energy is required to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

Uneven indoor temperature distribution

Thermal bridging can cause uneven indoor temperature distribution, as some areas of a building may be cooler or warmer than others.

Condensation and mold growth risks

Thermal bridging can increase the risk of condensation and mold growth, particularly in areas where moisture may accumulate.

This can lead to indoor air quality issues and potential health problems for building occupants.

Overall, it is essential to address thermal bridging in building design and construction to ensure energy-efficient and comfortable buildings.

By minimizing thermal bridging, we can improve insulation performance, reduce energy consumption and costs, and create more comfortable indoor environments for building occupants.

Assessment and Evaluation of Thermal Bridges

To effectively address thermal bridging in building design and construction, it is important to assess and evaluate the extent of thermal bridging in a building.

There are several methods and tools that can be used to assess and evaluate thermal bridges, including:

Building energy modeling

Building energy modeling is a powerful tool that can be used to simulate the energy performance of a building and identify areas where thermal bridging may be occurring.

This modeling can help to inform design decisions and identify areas where insulation can be improved, minimizing the potential for thermal bridging and improving the energy efficiency of the building.

Building energy modeling can take into account a wide range of factors, such as building orientation, envelope design, and HVAC systems, allowing designers and builders to evaluate the energy performance of a building before construction begins.

Using modeling to identify areas, where thermal bridging may be occurring, can be helpful for designers and builders.

They can take steps to address this issue, such as using low-conductivity building materials, optimizing the building envelope and geometry, and implementing proper insulation and detailing techniques.

Infrared thermography

Infrared thermography is a non-invasive method that can be used to identify areas where heat is escaping or entering a building.

This method involves using a thermal imaging camera to detect variations in surface temperature, which can be indicative of heat transfer through the building envelope.

Infrared thermography can be particularly useful for identifying areas where insulation is inadequate or where there are breaks in the insulation, as these areas will show up as thermal anomalies in the image.

By using this method to identify areas of thermal bridging, designers and builders can take steps to address this issue, such as improving insulation or implementing proper detailing and construction techniques.

In addition, infrared thermography can also be used to evaluate the overall energy performance of a building, identifying areas where energy conservation measures can be implemented.

This can help to improve the energy efficiency of the building and reduce energy consumption and costs.

U-value calculations

U-value calculations are an important tool for evaluating the insulation performance of building components or elements.

These calculations take into account the thermal conductivity of materials, the thickness of insulation, and other factors to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient of a building component or element.

By using U-value calculations, designers and builders can identify areas where thermal bridging may be occurring and take steps to improve insulation performance.

For example, if U-value calculations reveal that a particular component or element has a high heat transfer coefficient, steps can be taken to improve insulation or minimize the potential for thermal bridging.

U-value calculations can also be used to inform design decisions, such as the selection of building materials or the thickness of insulation.

By using U-value calculations to evaluate different design options, designers and builders can make informed decisions that improve the overall energy efficiency and comfort of the building.

Numerical simulation tools

Numerical simulation tools are powerful tools that can be used to simulate heat transfer through building components and elements.

These tools take into account a wide range of factors, such as material properties, geometry, and boundary conditions, to accurately model the heat transfer through a building component or element.

By using numerical simulation tools, designers and builders can identify areas where thermal bridging may be occurring and take steps to minimize its impact.

For example, if simulations reveal that a particular component or element has a high heat transfer coefficient, steps can be taken to improve insulation or minimize the potential for thermal bridging.

Numerical simulation tools can also be used to evaluate different design options and inform design decisions.

By using these tools to evaluate different design options, designers and builders can make informed decisions that improve the overall energy efficiency and comfort of the building.

Thermal bridge catalogs and databases

Thermal bridge catalogs and databases can provide information on common types of thermal bridges and their associated heat transfer coefficients.

This can help to inform design decisions and identify areas where insulation can be improved to minimize thermal bridging.

By using these methods and tools to assess and evaluate thermal bridges in building design and construction, designers and builders can identify areas where insulation can be improved to minimize thermal bridging and improve building energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

Strategies for Reducing and Preventing Thermal Bridges

To minimize thermal bridging in building design and construction, several strategies can be employed.

These strategies include:

Design considerations

Design considerations play a crucial role in minimizing thermal bridging in building design and construction.

Some of the key design considerations include:

Other design considerations may include selecting low-conductivity building materials, ensuring proper ventilation and air sealing, and implementing quality control measures during construction to ensure the proper installation of insulation and building components.

Construction practices

Construction practices are crucial in minimizing thermal bridging in building design and construction. Some of the key construction practices include:

Other construction practices may include using low-conductivity building materials, implementing proper detailing and insulation techniques, and ensuring that HVAC systems are properly installed and maintained.

Material selection

Material selection is an important consideration in minimizing thermal bridging in building design and construction.

Some of the key material selection considerations include:

Other material selection considerations may include selecting materials with low thermal conductivity for roofing and flooring and using insulation materials with a high R-value to maximize insulation performance.

Retrofitting existing buildings

Retrofitting existing buildings is an important consideration in minimizing thermal bridging and improving energy efficiency.

Some of the common retrofit options to minimize thermal bridging are:

Other retrofit options may include using low-conductivity building materials for flooring and roofing and implementing proper ventilation and air sealing to improve energy efficiency.

Building codes and standards

Building codes and standards play an important role in minimizing thermal bridging in building design and construction.

Some of the key strategies employed by building codes and standards are:


Thermal bridging is a crucial factor in building design and construction, leading to increased energy usage, discomfort, and moisture issues.

Employing design considerations, proper insulation and detailing, and low-conductivity materials, as well as following building codes and standards, can reduce thermal bridging.

These efforts can enhance the energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and sustainability while lowering energy consumption and costs.