Bottlebrush Trees: The How-To Grow Guide
The bottlebrush tree gets its name from its spiky bottlebrush blossoms. The plant is native to Australia and New Zealand but today it can be found in many warm climates. Due to its drought resistance and ornamental appeal, the bottlebrush tree is popular as a landscaping plant.
Bottlebrush trees can grow up to 30 feet (9 m) tall and 15 feet (4.5 m) across. It has long narrow green leaves and flowers in white, yellow, pink, or red. However, the red bottlebrush flower is the most common.

The most recognizable feature of the bottlebrush tree is its cylindrical flower spikes that look like a bottle brush. The flowers are about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long and they grow in clusters on the ends of branches.
The flowers of the bottlebrush tree are made up of many individual tiny florets, which are attached to a central stem. They are covered with fine hairs that are rolled into tubes. This shape traps pollen that is carried by insects from other flowers on the tree.
Bottlebrush trees blossoms generally in the spring and summer months, but they may also bloom in autumn and winter in milder climates. Depending on the species, bottlebrush flowers can remain in bloom for up to six weeks. Once the flowers die and fall off, the seeds mature.
The bottlebrush tree produces small woody capsules that split open and release tiny winged seeds. The seeds are an important food source for birds and other wildlife. Some bottlebrush trees also bear fruit that is similar to a blackberry. These berries attract birds and other wildlife.
What type of climate do Bottlebrush trees grow best in?
Bottlebrush trees thrive in tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates with plenty of sunlight. They are hardy in USDA planting zones 9–11.

Although the plant loves heat and sunlight, it is best to plant it in a location with a good balance of sun and shade throughout the day. Therefore, plant the shrub where it will receive the most morning sunlight. It needs some afternoon shade, especially if planted in a mostly sunny location.
For example, you can plant it on the east side of a house so it will receive morning sun and some afternoon shade. Building corners are also a great location, as they receive multi-directional sun exposure.
Another prime location for the shrub is between two structures so the tree is shaded on both sides by these structures at certain parts of the day.
The brush of the plant is exceptionally drought tolerant and blooms in the spring and summer with bright red flowers. The bottlebrush tree can withstand frost up to -6 degrees Celsius. However, it is not hardy in cold weather so it should be planted in an area where the winter temperatures remain no less than 0 degrees Celsius.
If you live in an area with cold winters, you can still grow bottlebrush trees unless there are long, sustained freezes. If this occurs, the leaves may fall off and sometimes the tree goes dormant.
If you live in a colder climate, you can grow bottlebrush shrubs by planting them in large pots. In this way, you may bring them indoors or into a greenhouse during the cold months.
Another advantage of planting the tree in a pot is that you can relocate it to another part of the garden as needed. If a certain area around your property gets too much sun or shade, you can move the plant to a different area.
You can create your own greenhouse by covering the shrub with a frame covered in plastic sheeting. However, build the frame to be strong enough to withstand high winds. This will protect the trees from cold snaps, but still, allow the trees to get plenty of sunlight.
What types of soil do Bottlebrush trees grow in?
Bottlebrushes will grow in a variety of soils and can adapt to many different conditions. They will grow in clay, loamy, or sandy soils. However, their soil must be well-drained to prevent many problems that we will mention further.

Therefore, if you have soil that is mostly clay, you can improve it with an amendment such as compost. Adding compost to the soil gives it structure and allows for better aeration. It also loosens the soil and helps to make it more porous.
Adding sand or grit to certain types of soil can also improve its drainage, keeping it from becoming waterlogged or saturated. If the soil is excessively well-draining, you may not receive much water retention around the shrub, but the three will still survive.
If you will plant the bottlebrushes in a place where the groundwater table is high, you will need to take precautions to ensure its survival. This is because the roots of these trees cannot survive standing water or being submerged in water for long periods of time.
If you observe the soil is too compact, you can dig it up and add sand or other grit to improve drainage.
The ideal pH of the soil to grow bottlebrush trees is between 6 to 8 on the pH scale. This means that the plant thrives mainly in neutral or slightly alkaline soils.
If the soil’s pH is far outside of this range the trees may not survive, as some soils have a pH that is too high or too low for the shrub. The leaves of these plants may become yellow and brown if they are exposed to acidic or alkaline soils, which is often the most visible sign of a soil issue.
How much water do Bottlebrush trees need?
Bottlebrush trees are drought-resistant plants and can survive in dry areas where the water table is far below the surface. They may go weeks without water under certain conditions.
However, they appreciate having enough water to support their growth during their establishment. During this time, you should water the trees at least a few times a week.
It is important to keep the soil around your bottlebrush tree consistently moist as it establishes. This will prevent the roots from becoming too dry, which can cause the plant to go dormant. Dormancy occurs when the tree takes a break or goes into self-protection mode following a difficult or challenging period in its life.
The shrub can be watered according to the table below:
Growing Period | Amount Of Irrigation |
First 3 months of planting | Three times a week 1/4 gallon of water |
The remaining period of the first year | Twice a week 1/3 gallon of water |
The second-year and further | Once a week 1/2 gallon water |
The above watering schedule is created considering the irrigation is done through the ground directly on the roots without wasting too much water. It is assumed you are using drip irrigation or any other system that will effectively water the roots of the plant.
If you are watering with a sprinkler, or a garden hose the amount of water recommended will likely be more because of the evaporation and run-off.
Watering should be reduced over the winter months if the winters in your area are the rainy season. The best time to water the bottlebrush tree is in the morning or late in the evening.
However, it is important to note that the bottlebrush tree cannot tolerate overwatering. Overwatering causes root rot and a whole other range of issues.
The bottlebrush tree can be planted in containers and kept as indoor plants or patio plants during winter. However, if planted in a container, they should be watered less frequently because of the medium’s ability to retain water.
How to plant a bottlebrush tree?
Bottlebrush trees are can be grown both from seeds and from cuttings. Both propagation methods are equally effective.

Before planting the seeds or cuttings, it is important to soak them in water so that they have good absorption. Fill a container with lukewarm water and place your bottlebrush tree seeds or cuttings inside.
Then wait at least 24 hours before planting them. This will allow the seeds and cuttings enough time to absorb water and get ready for planting. Let’s talk about each propagation method individually.
Planting from seeds
Planting bottlebrush seeds is a simple and easy task that takes very little effort.
First, the area where you will plant the seeds should be prepared beforehand. Use a shovel to dig a hole in the soil.
The proper planting depth is very important as it helps establish your plant’s roots quickly and efficiently. Plant the seeds at around 5 inches deep. Planting depth affects germination rates and seedling survival. Thus, avoid too deep or too shallow planting your seeds.
Sow 3 to 4 seeds per hole leaving about 5 inches between the seeds. Then cover them with soil and pat it down to get rid of air pockets. Water the area and leave it for a few days until new shoots appear.
Once you completed this step, water the planted seeds every day until you see signs of sprouting. This will help your seeds germinate and establish quickly. If you don’t, sometimes the seedling may not survive.
Not all the seeds will germinate, so it is important to sow more than you need. Because of this, you must always plant at least 3 or 4 seeds per hole. Once you see new shoots, you should thin out the weaker-looking plants leaving only the healthiest-looking ones.
This will prevent the plants from competing with each other for water, sunlight, and nutrients. If you don’t thin them out, you will have a few trees grown in close proximity which will make them difficult to manage.
You can also grow seedlings indoors in containers. Although this requires additional time and effort you will have a better chance of raising healthy bottlebrush seedlings.
Planting from cuttings
Planting cuttings of the bottlebrush tree is another common option. To be specific, softwood cuttings are the best for propagation purposes.
Take fresh branches in winter or spring and trim them off at around 6 to 12 inches in length. Then remove half of the leaves and place them in a container filled with lukewarm water.
Place the container where it receives abundant natural light and no wind. Window sills are usually the best place to get this done. Because they provide full sunlight and are generally sheltered from the wind.
Once you placed the cuttings in water, they will root in 2 weeks to 2 months depending on the environment. Once the roots are established, you can plant the bottlebrush cuttings in their permanent spot.
The bottlebrush tree doesn’t require a special rooting medium to aid root formation and growth. However, it is a good idea to use a rooting hormone to help the progress along.
Rooting hormones are engineered chemicals that help stimulate root formation and growth. You can get rooting hormones from any garden supply store.
How long does it take for a bottlebrush tree to grow?
Bottlebrush trees usually take two to three years to become established. However, it may take up to five years if the environmental conditions are not suitable. Regular irrigation and good sun exposure are required to encourage faster plant growth. Trees that are transplanted from their native habitat or haven’t received key nutrients to promote growth may take a longer period of time to grow.
Do bottlebrush trees need fertilizer?
If you want to provide your tree with the optimum conditions possible, then fertilizer is a must. Fertilizer helps improve the growth and health of the plants.
The best time to apply fertilizer for bottlebrush trees is during the active growing seasons which are spring and summer. Use a low a low-phosphorus all-purpose fertilizer twice a year.

When applying fertilizer, don’t forget to water the fertilized area afterward. Giving your plants plenty of water after fertilizer application helps them absorb the nutrients faster. You can also use organic waste like compost, dried grass cutting, and leaves to augment the shrub’s fertilizer mix.
How to control weed around bottlebrush trees?
Weed control is important for the overall health of your shrub. Like most plants, they are susceptible to weed infestations. If weeds take over the soil around your tree, it will compete with it for sunlight and nutrients.
To deal with this problem, apply a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the tree. This will suppress weed growth by blocking their light supply.
You can also spray your shrub with weed killer to kill weeds at their roots. However, weed killers are not selective chemicals. They can kill your plants if exposed to them directly or by drifts.
When spraying weed killer on your tree, do it during late autumn when the plant is shedding its leaves. This will minimize the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.
What are the pests to watch out for in the Bottlebrush Tree?
The bottlebrush tree is subject to a range of pests and diseases. To avoid them, follow proper site selection when planting. Plant the shrub in an area that is protected from prevailing winds and salt spray since these conditions can damage the plant.
The Bottlebrush trees are known to be affected by sawfly larvae, scale, and webbing caterpillars (web moths).
Sawfly larvae
Sawfly larvae are the juvenile stages of adult Pergidae sawflies. The female sawfly’s egg-laying apparatus (ovipositor) has a saw-like appearance, which gives the sawflies their common name. Females use the saw to make incisions in the plants, depositing eggs on the damaged tissue.

Once the larvae hatch, they begin feeding off the plant’s leaves with their saws, severing tissue, and typically killing the leaves on which they feed. The larvae are usually found clustered together on new growth or on stems, branches, or even the trunk of the plant.
If you observe sawflies or larvae on your Bottlebrush tree first try to remove the larvae by hand while wearing gardening gloves. Although this is not the most effective way to get rid of them it will immediately reduce the infestation.
You can also use a water jet to knock the larvae down from the trees. This method is more hands-free and will not require you to touch them. Once the larvae have been removed, use insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to spray the plant.
You shouldn’t leave the insecticide on the plant for more than 24 hours. Most insecticides show an immediate effect on the larvae so leaving it on the plant will not make a difference. Therefore, it is important that the insecticide is washed off after 24 hours to avoid damage to the plant.
Once the larvae are removed, it is important to use a trunk spray to protect the plant from further infestation. This can be a quick and easy way to help prevent not only sawflies but other pests and diseases on your bottlebrush tree.
Scale is extremely small insects that feed on the plant’s sap. The most common type of scale found on Bottlebrushes is soft scales, which are about the size of a pencil eraser when fully grown. Although they are not usually harmful to adult trees, they can cause major damage to young plants and saplings.

The adult females lay eggs beneath their bodies on twigs or branches of the tree. After hatching, the young scale begins to suck the sap from the plant’s leaves and stems. This can cause dieback in shoots and leaves, which may need to be removed for aesthetic purposes. They can also secrete honeydew, which attracts ants and sooty mold.
The easiest way to get rid of scale is using pressurized water. Use a water jet to knock the insects from their perches on the tree. Once they have been removed, insecticidal soap or horticultural oil can be applied if necessary.
Horticultural oils work by suffocating insects. They coat the insects and disrupt their breathing, eventually killing them. If you prefer not to use insecticides, another organic treatment is to rub the plant with petroleum jelly or mineral oil (beeswax will also work).
Once scale has been identified on your bottlebrush tree, look under the leaves of the infested branches for signs of ants. Ants protect scale insects by attacking potential predators, so if you notice ants on the plant it is best to use another method of insect control.
The quickest way to control scale in your garden is to spot treat with an organic product like horticultural oil or molasses-based products (e.g. Agralan). If you notice a large number of scales on your plants, however, it is best to spot treat with a more heavy-duty insecticide.
Webbing caterpillar (web moth)
The webbing caterpillar, also known as the webworm, is a common pest of Bottlebrush plants. They feed on new leaves and form dense webs on branches and twigs.

The larvae of this moth species breed in cool weather and during the spring and summer months. The female lays eggs, which turn into larvae in 2-3 days. The larvae then begin to feed and continue to grow at a rate of 1 cm per day.
When full-grown, the webbing caterpillar pupates in its web. The adults have thick bodies covered with long reddish hairs and translucent wings with a yellow-orange tint. This moth is a common pest on Bottlebrushes in suburban areas.
As with most species of caterpillar, Insecticidal soap or horticultural oil will work to control the webbing caterpillar. If there are many caterpillars on your plant, you can use a pyrethrin-based insecticide if needed.
Once the eggs hatch and the larvae begin to feed, they will defoliate the plant. First, be sure to inspect your Bottlebrush for signs of caterpillars. Then follow the ‘Sawfly’ steps for controlling caterpillars on new shoots and leaves.
What are the common diseases of bottlebrush trees?
Bacterial leaf spot
Bacterial leaf spot is a disease caused by the bacterium Streptomyces scabies. The spots are circular, grayish to olive-colored with reddish edges. They can be up to 2 mm in diameter and appear on both leaves and stems.
Spores can travel long distances through wind or rain, infecting new plants. As the name suggests, this disease is also spread by animals. To prevent infection, keep animals away from your Bottlebrush plants.
Although the disease will not kill mature trees, it can cause serious damage to young ones. If your plant is affected by bacterial leaf spots, remove and destroy infected leaves immediately. This will help slow the spread of the bacterium.
Phytophthora root rot
Phytophthora root rot is a disease that attacks plants that have been overwatered. In wet conditions, the root rot fungus thrives rapidly and infects the roots of nearby plants. The infection causes yellowing of leaves, early defoliation, brittle reddish-brown roots, branch dieback, and discoloration.
In order to control Phytophthora root rot, be sure to water bottlebrush trees deeply but infrequently. If your plant is infected with the fungus, prune off any dead leaves or branches. Keep the soil around the plant from becoming too wet. Be careful not to overwater the shrub, especially during the spring and summer.
Cankers are wounds on the tree’s trunk and branches that cause dead tissue to develop. The dead areas turn dark brown or black in color. If you notice cankers developing on your plant, be sure to remove them immediately.

In order to prevent cankers from forming, avoid injury of the trunk and branches. Also, be sure to mulch around the plant properly. Don’t allow grass or weeds to grow near the trunk of the tree, as this can provide a place for pests and diseases to gather.
Twig gall
Twig gall is a fungal disease that affects many woody ornamentals, including bottlebrushes. The twig gall infected bushes have swollen branches. The disease also causes an excess of shoots from affected bushes’ branches.
In order to prevent twig gall, avoid overwatering your plant. Because the excess moisture of soil around the roots creates a perfect environment for the fungus to grow, be sure to water your plant deeply but infrequently.
In order to control twig gall on your Bottlebrush, prune off any branches with excessively swollen areas and remove all dead wood immediately.

If your plant is already infected with the fungus, remove any shoots or leaves that show symptoms.
After each cut, sanitize the shears to prevent fungal spores from spreading to neighboring branches.
How to care bottlebrush tree so that it can survive cold snaps?
Cold snaps may happen even in the mildest climates. Although bottlebrush trees are resistant to light frosts they may need protection if the cold snap is expected to take place longer.

Obviously, moving plants indoors will be the most reliable way to protect them. That is why using large containers to grow bottlebrushes is an excellent choice. However, if this is not possible, you can build a simple greenhouse by covering the plant with plastic that allows light to pass through while protecting your plant from the cold.
In fact, having a greenhouse in a certain portion of your garden would be a good idea as it would provide shelter for other plants as well. Additionally, using heat tape is another good idea. Just wrap the tape around the container or dig a small trench around the plant and place the tape in it.
There are even solar-powered heat tapes that eliminate the need for electricity to make them work. Just place them along the top of your container and you can rest assured that they will maintain a safe temperature for your Bottlebrush.
Are bottlebrush trees tolerant of salt spray?
Salt spray can be harmful to almost all plants, but Bottlebrushes can withstand moderate levels of salt spray. This allows bottlebrush trees to grow in coastal regions where frequent salt spray occurs. However, salt spaying will likely change soil quality and irrigation parameters. Thus, care should be taken for trees planted in coastal regions.
Do bottlebrush trees attract pollinators?

Yes, bottlebrushes trees release nectar that attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. The plant’s bright red flowers also act as a visual cue to potential pollinators.
What are the uses of bottlebrush trees?
The bottlebrush tree has many different uses. In Australia, where bottlebrush trees are native, Aborigines used the tree’s branches to make shields. They also used the branches as weapons and ceremonial wands.
The bottlebrush softwood today is used in making furniture, paneling, plywood, and other building materials. The bottlebrush bark is used in making a brown dye.
The flowers of the bottlebrush tree are used by beekeepers to attract honeybees. They produce an aromatic resin that is distilled into the oil of eucalyptus, which can be used as a cleaning and deodorizing agent.
The bottlebrush tree is an excellent choice for adding beauty to your landscape while providing various benefits. It can be planted in most regions provided there are no frequent cold snaps.
The tree well tolerates drought and salt spray making it an optimal choice for planting near seaside properties.
The plant can be grown both from seeds and cuttings, however, cuttings are more viable since they significantly expedite the tree’s growth. The bottlebrush tree has low maintenance requirements but develops better in nutrient-rich soils.
Finally, bottlebrush flowers are used by beekeepers to attract honeybees while the leaves emit a pleasant aroma that has cleansing properties.