Can You Reuse Charcoal for Smoking & Grilling?
You’ve probably heard of the saying, “Once you go black, you never go back.” Well, the same can be said for charcoal.
Once you’ve used it for smoking and grilling, you’ll never want to use anything else.
Charcoal is the secret ingredient that gives food that smoky flavor we all crave for. And the great news is that you can reuse charcoal.
Can you Reuse Charcoal for Grilling and Smoking?
It’s absolutely okay to reuse old charcoal, and you should! If you don’t want to fork over the extra money for a new batch of charcoal every time you grill, then you should reuse the old, leftover charcoal.

It’s easy to do, and it’ll save you money in the long run.
But it’s vital to ensure that the charcoal is still solid before you attempt to reuse it. If it has crumbled into dust, it will not be effective.
Also, if you reuse charcoal that’s mostly burned or full of ashes, those won’t work as well. So, it’s always best to collect used charcoal that is in good condition, for reuse.
How to Reuse Charcoal for Grilling and Smoking?
If you have any unburned wood from your last cookout, save it to use for your next one.
Here’s how you can reuse your charcoal:
- Let the charcoal cool down completely before trying to remove it from the grill.
- Once it’s cool, remove the used charcoal and store it in a container.
- When you’re ready to reuse the charcoal, simply light it again and let it heat up.
Can you Combine Fresh and Used Charcoal for Grilling and Smoking?
Combining fresh and used charcoal for grilling and smoking has many benefits.
Used charcoal provides flavor and freshness, while new charcoal provides consistent heat and performance. This combination can help you achieve the perfect flavor for your grilled or smoked food.
Lighting old charcoal can also be a real pain, as it often takes time and effort to get it going.
The charcoal may be partially burned and damp, which makes it harder to get them lit and keeps them from burning as hot. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re in a hurry to start cooking.
An excellent solution for this is to use a little fresh charcoal to get the fire going.
Combining fresh and old charcoal also gives you better control over the heat of your grill or smoker. By using a combination of fresh and used charcoal, you can more easily regulate the temperature, which can help you cook your food more evenly.
Reusing Charcoal Briquettes vs. Lump Charcoal
When it comes to grilling, there are two main types of charcoal to choose from briquettes and lump charcoal. Both have their own unique benefits, so it’s essential to choose the right kind of charcoal for your needs.
Briquettes are made from wood that has been charred and ground up into small pieces. They’re easy to light and provide consistent heat, making them ideal for grilling.
Lump charcoal is made from whole pieces of wood that have been charred. It’s more expensive than briquettes, but it provides better flavor and a more natural grilling experience.
Although both have benefits, lump charcoal is generally better for reuse than charcoal briquettes. Lump charcoal will give you quick, hot fire even in subsequent uses.
How Many Times can you Reuse Charcoal for Smoking & Grilling?
As any avid griller or smoker knows, charcoal can be expensive. So it’s no surprise that many people want to know how many times they can reuse charcoal before disposal.
The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as the type of charcoal you’re using and how well you took care of it after its last use.
However, in general, you should be able to get at least one more use out of your charcoal before you need to dispose it.
How do you Extinguish Grill and Charcoal for Reuse?
Once you have finished cooking, it’s essential to shut off and extinguish your charcoal grill properly.
To shut off the grill, close all of the vents so that no oxygen can reach the burning charcoal.
This will suffocate the fire and prevent the charcoal from continuing to burn. Once the vents are closed, the fire will eventually go out on its own.
If you want to speed up the process, you can also douse the charcoal with water. Use gloves and avoid splashing water on the hot grill surface.
Once the charcoal is extinguished, you can remove it from the grill and store it properly.
Charcoal Storage for Reusing
Reusing charcoal is a great way to save money and reduce waste. But if you don’t store it properly, you may end up with unusable charcoal.
A metal container is the best way to store charcoal because it protects the charcoal from the elements. It’s also essential to put a lid on the container to prevent the charcoal from sparking and igniting.
Storing used charcoal in a small dry, airtight container will also help keep the charcoal from taking on moisture from the air and becoming ruined.
It’s also important to store the charcoal in a place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight, as this can cause the charcoal to degrade.
You can use a moisture absorber to keep the charcoal dry. A charcoal moisture absorber is a material that can be placed in a storage container with charcoal.
It will help to keep the charcoal dry by absorbing any excess moisture in the air. This will keep your charcoal in good condition and prevent it from becoming wet and unusable.
Following these simple storage tips, you can ensure your used charcoal is always fresh and ready to reuse.
Tips for Reusing Charcoal
If you’re a fan of grilling, then you know that charcoal can be expensive.
Thankfully, you can reuse charcoal so that you don’t have to keep buying new bags all the time.
Here are 5 tips for reusing charcoal:
- When you’re ready to reuse the charcoal, remove any ash that has built up on them. This will make subsequent lighting easier.
- When you’re finished grilling, allow the coals to cool completely before storing them. Storing burning charcoal can cause fire hazards.
- Avoid contact with water, as water will cause your charcoal to cool down and become unusable for grilling or smoking.
- When reusing charcoal, start with a larger amount than you would use for new charcoal.
- Reuse the charcoal within two weeks for best results.
The Benefits of Reusing Charcoal
Reusing charcoal is a great way to save money and reduce your environmental impact. Here are five benefits of reused charcoal:
Reusing charcoal is cheaper than new charcoal
Reusing charcoal is cheaper than making new charcoal. This is because the process of making charcoal is very energy intensive.
It takes a lot of wood to make a small amount of charcoal. When you reuse charcoal, you are essentially getting all that energy back. Plus, you don’t have to pay for the wood.
Reusing charcoal produces less ash than new charcoal
When it comes to grilling and smoking, we all want to ensure that we use the best charcoal.
After all, no one wants to cook bland food due to the excess ash produced. But did you know that reusing charcoal produces less ash than using new charcoal?
That’s right, by reusing charcoal, you can actually reduce the amount of ash that is produced. This is because the charcoal is already burned and doesn’t need extensive burning to produce heat.
So when you reuse charcoal, you’re reducing the amount of ash produced and possibly improving the taste of your food.
Reusing charcoal helps reduce deforestation
Deforestation is a major problem all over the world, as it results in the loss of valuable habitats for animals and plants. One way to help reduce deforestation is by reusing charcoal.
Reusing charcoal helps reduce deforestation because it reduces the number of trees cut down to make charcoal.
Reusing charcoal helps reduce air pollution
Reusing charcoal helps reduce air pollution by reducing the need to produce new charcoal.
Additionally, it reduces the amount of pollution that is released into the air when charcoal is burned.
Using old charcoal in your grill or smoker can help reduce emissions created when you cook. The same applies to the air pollution that happens when new charcoal is made.
Reusing charcoal reduces your carbon footprint
With the current heat waves, there’s no secret that we need to start reducing our carbon footprint if we want to save our planet. One way we can do this is by reusing charcoal.
By reusing charcoal, we reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere during charcoal production.
Can wet charcoal be reused?
For the most part, wet charcoal can still be used for grilling. However, it will take a bit longer to get going and may not produce as high of heat as dry charcoal.
So if you’re in a hurry or looking for a hot fire, it’s best to start with dry charcoal. However, wet charcoal will still do the job if you’re just looking to get the grill going and don’t mind the hassle of lighting it.
It’s also good to note that wet charcoal may produce more smoke than dry charcoal, so it’s essential to use it in well-ventilated areas.
Overall, wet charcoal can be reused, but it’s not as efficient as dry charcoal. If you have damp charcoal, it’s still best to allow it to dry before reusing it for grilling or smoking.
Does reused charcoal burn as good as fresh charcoal?
New or fresh charcoal produces more heat since they are generally larger with improved pore structure. The heat output of fresh charcoal is also more intense due to the increased surface area to volume ratio.
Reused coals are smaller and are not as solid as fresh coals. This results in the production of less heat.
Reusing coals can save money, but it’s important to remember that the heat produced will be less than if fresh coals were used.
Is it safe to reuse charcoal?
Reusing charcoal is perfectly safe as long as you take a few simple precautions.
First, be sure to clean the grill before you light it. This will help remove any contaminants that may be on the surface of the grill.
Next, be sure to light the charcoal in a well-ventilated area. This will help prevent any harmful fumes from buildup.
Finally, monitor the grill’s temperature and alter the charcoal amount accordingly to ensure even cooking. By following these simple tips, you can safely reuse charcoal without any problems.
Other than grilling and smoking, what are other ways to reuse charcoal?
Grilling season is in full swing, and that means many of us are firing up the grill regularly.
But what do you do with all that leftover charcoal when the grill is turned off other than reusing it for the next grilling session?
Here are a few ideas for reusing charcoal:
- Make a natural insecticide: Soak charcoal briquettes in water for 24 hours, then strain the water and use it to spray your garden or patio for a natural way to get rid of bugs.
- Absorb unwanted smells: Place a bowl of charcoal near the source of any strong smells (like a garbage can) to help absorb and eliminate them.
- Keep your fridge fresh: Place a bowl of charcoal in your fridge to help absorb any strong odors.
- Polish metals: Rubbing a piece of charcoal on metal surfaces can help polish them and remove any rust.
- Use charcoal in your garden: Using charcoal in your garden will help improve the quality of the soil and will also help to reduce air pollution.
The Bottom Line
When you are finished grilling, don’t dispose of your used charcoal. Instead, let it cool completely and store it in a dry, airtight container.
The next time you want to grill, simply light the charcoal and enjoy your meal.
Reusing charcoal is not only good for your wallet, but it’s also good for the environment. By recycling your charcoal, you are helping to reduce the demand for new charcoal, which is typically made from trees.