Does Mulch Attract Ants?
Oh No! There Are Ants in My Mulch! What attracts ants to mulch? How can I get rid of ants in my mulch?
Studies have shown that mulch does indeed attract ants. This is likely because ants are attracted to the moisture that mulch can provide.

Mulch can also provide a food source for ants, as it can harbor mold and other small insects. Mulch also keeps temperature constant which is ideal for ants.
So if you’re wondering why you always see ants around your mulch, read this blog post as we’ll explore all the reasons why mulch attracts ants.
Why Do Ants Like Mulch?
Mulch is a common gardening material that has many benefits, including the prevention of weeds and the retention of moisture in the soil. However, mulch can also attract ants. Here are four reasons why:
Mulch provides a dark, hidden place for ants to build their nests
Mulch provides a dark, hidden place for ants to shelter. By covering the ground with mulch, you give the perfect environment for ants to build their nests and raise their young ones.
Mulch is full of nutrients that ants need to thrive
Mulch is full of nitrogen, potassium, and other essential nutrients and organic materials that ants need to thrive.
By adding mulch to your garden, you can create a hospitable environment for ants while also providing them with the resources they need to survive.
Mulch can provide warmth for ants in cold weather
As the weather gets colder, ants will often seek out mulch to provide them with warmth. When ants burrow into mulch, they can stay warm and dry even in the coldest weather.
Mulch can help insulate ants from high temperatures
Mulch can help to insulate ants from high temperatures, preventing them from becoming overheated and dying.
This is especially important in hot climates, where ants are more likely to be exposed to high temperatures.
What Kind of Ants Are Attracted to Mulch?
There are four types of ants that are commonly attracted to mulch: carpenter ants, fire ants, rover ants, and garden ants.
Each of these kinds of ants is attracted to different variety of mulches as described below:
Carpenter ants
Carpenter ants are attracted to mulch made from wood chips. The mulch provides the ants with a food source and a place to build their nests.

The wood chips also help to keep the ant nests cool in summer and warm in winter.
Fire ants
While mulch made from hay or straw can be effective in suppressing weeds, it also has the potential to attract fire ants.

If you live in an area where fire ants are a problem, it’s best to avoid using this type of mulch in your garden.
Rover ants
Rover ants are a type of ant that is known for their love of peat moss. Peat moss is a type of mulch that is made from decomposed organic matter.

It’s commonly used in gardens and landscaping. Rover ants are attracted to the moisture and nutrients in peat moss, which makes it an ideal place for them to build their nests.
Garden ants
Garden ants are attracted to mulch made from leaves. The leaves provide the ants with shelter and a food source. The leaves also help retain moisture in the mulch, which is essential for the ants.
Is it a Bad Thing to Have Ants in Mulch?
Ants are generally considered to be beneficial insects. They help to aerate the soil and recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem.
They also help disperse seedlings and control other garden pests like aphids and mealybugs.
However, ants can grow in large numbers easily, especially when the conditions are favorable. When this happens, ants can become a nuisance.
Some species of ants can devour young plants and cause painful bites, such as fire ants. Other species of ants, such as the carpenter ant, can cause damage to your property and destroy your home.
Thus, it is crucial to know how to deal with an ant infestation when it occurs due to mulch.
How to Get Rid of Ants in Mulch?
The following can help get rid of an ants’ infestation in mulch:
Commercial pesticide
If you have a large ants problem, you may need to use a commercial pesticide to get rid of them.
You can purchase a pesticide at your local hardware store or online. Make sure to read the label carefully and follow the directions.
Once you have the pesticide, you will need to spray the nest directly. You may also need to spot-treat in areas where you still see ants. Again, follow the directions on the label.
After you have treated the area, you should see a decrease in the number of ants.
Ant nest entrance natural bait
If you have ants in your mulch, there is a very simple way to get rid of them. All you need is some sugar and Borax.
First, mix together equal parts sugar and Borax. Then, wet the area around the ant nest with some water.
Next, sprinkle the sugar and Borax mixture around the nest entrance. The sugar will attract the ants, and the Borax will kill them.
You may need to repeat this process a few times to get rid of all the ants. But eventually, they will all be gone.
Beneficial nematodes
There are many different types of beneficial nematodes to use in your garden, but Steinernema carpocapsae is one of the most effective against ants.
This nematode releases bacteria into the ant which causes it to stop eating and eventually die. Because this bacterium only affects ants, it’s safe for other insects and animals found in mulch.
Beneficial nematodes can be purchased online or at some garden stores. They should be applied to the mulch around the perimeter of your home, as well as any areas in the mulch where ants are active.
For best results, apply them in the evening or early morning when the temperature is cooler.
Citrus oils
If you have ants in your mulch, there is a natural and effective way to get rid of them using citrus oils.
To make a citrus oil ant spray, mix together equal parts citrus oil and water in a spray bottle. Then, simply spray the mixture on the ants and watch them disappear.
If you have a serious ant problem, you may need to reapply the spray every few days until the ants are gone.
The good thing is, that citrus oil is a natural and effective way to get rid of ants in your mulch, and it will not harm your plants.
Peppermint essential oils
Peppermint oil is a natural ant repellent, and it’s also safe for plants. Simply mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it around the perimeter of your mulch.
You can also add a few drops of peppermint oil to a cotton ball and place it in the center of your mulch beds to prevent ants’ infestation.
Food-grade diatomaceous earth
This powder is made from fossilized diatoms, which are aquatic creatures that lived in the water thousands of years ago.
When dry, it is very sharp and abrasive, and it can cut through the exoskeleton of ants, resulting in dehydration and death.
To use diatomaceous earth to get rid of ants in mulch, simply sprinkle it around the affected area.
Ensure you apply it liberally, as the ants will have to crawl through a significant amount of the powder to be affected.
It may take a few days for all the ants to perish, but eventually, they will all be gone.
Vinegar and water solution
One of the most effective ways to get rid of ants in mulch is to mix equal parts vinegar and water. This solution will kill the ants and also help to repel other pests.
You can also add a bit of dish soap to the mix to make it more effective.
Simply spray the solution onto the affected area, and the ants should start to flee or die off within a day or two.
How Do I Keep Ants Out of My Mulch?
There are several things you can do to prevent ants from getting into your mulch:
- First, make sure that the mulch is evenly spread and not too thick. Ants are attracted to thick layers of mulch, so a thin layer will deter them.
- Second, keep the area around the mulch clean and free of food and water sources. Ants are attracted to food and water, so if they can’t find either of these things around the mulch, they’ll be less likely to go there.
- Finally, consider using an insecticide around the perimeter of the mulch. This will create a barrier that ants will not want to cross.
What Kind of Mulch Does Not Attract Ants?
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to the type of mulch you use in your garden.
However, if you’re trying to avoid attracting ants, it’s essential to choose the right type of mulch. In this section, we’ll explore the different types of mulch that are less likely to attract ants.
Straw mulch
Ants are attracted to sweet and sticky things, so they are often drawn to the sugary sap of plants.
If you have a problem with ants in your garden, you may want to consider using straw mulch. This type of mulch does not contain any sugar, so it will not attract ants.
Pebbles or stone mulch
Most ants are attracted to mulch because it provides them with food and shelter.
However, there are some types of mulch that do not attract ants. Two of the most common types of ant-proof mulch are pebbles and stone mulch.
Pebbles and stone mulch are not attractive to ants because they do not provide them with the food and shelter they need.
In addition, pebbles and stone mulch do not hold moisture well, so ants are less likely to find them hospitable.
Grass clippings mulch
Another type of mulch that does not attract ants is grass clippings mulch. This is because ants are attracted to sweet-smelling materials, and grass clippings do not have a sweet scent.
Additionally, grass clippings mulch will break down quickly, so it’s not an ideal habitat for ants.
Dry mulches
One excellent option to repel ants is to use dry mulch, such as gravel or black plastic. These materials do not provide the same environment that ants are looking for, so they are less likely to be attracted to them.
Inorganic mulch
Like dry mulches, inorganic mulches, such as stones or rubber, are not appealing to ants.
This is because they do not provide the moisture or food that ants are looking for. So if you’re looking for mulches that will discourage ants, try the above five options.
Why Are There So Many Ants in My Mulch?
Some types of mulch, such as those made from pine needles or bark, can contain a lot of sap. This sap can be attractive to ants, who may then build their nests in or around the mulched area.
If you have a problem with ants in your mulched area, you may need to change the type of mulch you’re using. Sap-free mulches, such as those made from cedar chips or other shredded tree barks, are less likely to attract ants.
You can also try using a physical barrier, such as a piece of cardboard to keep ants from getting to the mulch.
The Bottom Line
Mulch is a great way to keep your plants healthy and your garden looking tidy. But it can also be a haven for ants and other pests. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to minimize this problem.
First, make sure to choose the right mulch for your needs. Second, keep your mulch clean and free of debris.
Lastly, keep an eye out for ants and take action as soon as you see them. If you follow these steps, you can enjoy all the benefits of mulch without worrying about ants.