How to Grow Aloe From Seeds?
There’s something about growing your plants from scratch that feels satisfying, you know?
Like you’re taking a little bit of control over your environment and your life.
Growing aloe vera is incredibly gratifying because the plant is so valuable.
If you’re ready to do some aloe vera seed-growing alchemy, here’s everything you need to know.
So how do you grow aloe vera from seeds? Read on:
- Collect the seeds from a mature aloe vera plant. The seeds are small, black, and oval-shaped. Avoid planting white seeds.
- Mix your planting soil so that it retains moisture
- Plant the seeds (1″ apart) in a pot or garden bed filled with soil.
- Add water to the seeds. Do not oversaturate. Add water until the soil is damp.
- Expose seeds to at least 10 hours of light per day
- Ensure seeds are warm (Over 70 degrees Fahrenheit). Accomplish proper warmth by placing seeds in a warm climate or by using a bottom warmer to warm the seeds artificially
- Optional: To keep the heat and moisture in, cover the nursery tray with a layer of plastic wrap.
- Aloe vera plants will begin to grow within a few weeks.
How to collect aloe vera seeds?
Before Aloe plants can produce seed, they must be at least four years old.
The flowers will turn brown and fall away after your mature aloe blooms. They then metamorphose into tiny seed pods.
What are aloe seeds, and what do they look like? They’re tiny, grayish-black to flat, and have a gray tinge.
It takes long for white or light-colored seeds to germinate until they’ve aged. Crushing the pod and cracking it open allows you to extract these healing seeds.
To get a head start on your aloe plants, you can seed them immediately or wait until the following spring (if you’re sowing outdoors).
Save seeds in a paper envelope in a cool, dark location. Use the seeds within the same year you harvest them for best results.
Optimal environment for growing aloe vera from seeds
Pot | Nursery flats or small bell pots |
Sunlight | 6+ hours per day |
Soil | Loose material that retains moisture and drains well (peat moss, soil, sand) |
Seed depth | Push seeds into soil mix ¼” deep |
Seed spacing | Maintain 1” apart |
Temperature | Above 70 degrees F |
Water | Keep seeds moist, but not saturated |
Germination time | 2-4 weeks |
Aloe vera plants thrive in well-drained, sandy potting soil with plenty of light.
Aloe seeds will germinate from seed and establish a robust root system in as little as two months with the right medium and conditions.
It’s best to use an equal ratio mix of peat moss or horticultural sand as a good base for growing aloe vera from seeds.
You may also make your potting soil substitute by combining equal parts perlite, sterile compost, and sand.
Whichever soil mix you choose, make sure it retains moisture and drains well.
Mix planting soil
You should choose sandy soil with a neutral pH for the best chance at a successful aloe vera succulent plant.
The University Of Florida recommends this mixture:
- 2 parts soil
- 1 part peat moss
- 1 part perlite
- 1 part coarse sand
Planting your seeds
You will first want to acquire nursery flats. These are shallow plastic trays that come in many different sizes, so pick the size you think will be best for your plant.

Fill these with potting soil to 1/2″ below the top of the flat, and smooth out, so there are no bumps or air pockets.
Plant the seeds on the soil’s surface and place them at least 1″ apart from each other.
Keep them moist but not wet while germination occurs, which can take several weeks depending on temperature and other growing conditions.
How much sunlight does your aloe vera need?
Your aloe vera requires at least six hours of full sunlight per day to grow well. The more direct sunlight it receives, the better it will grow and eventually produce flower stalks and leaves.
Make sure your aloe vera is in an area that doesn’t get full afternoon sun as too much sun can be harmful.
The best location for your aloe vera is in a south-facing window or outside, where it can get at least six hours of full sunlight per day.
If you live in a hot climate, you may grow the seeds outside. However, if you reside in a chilly region, you will have to start your aloes indoors.
To make sure your soil is in good shape, keep it moist either way. It’s also helpful if you use a bright light and room temperature of 70-75 degrees F or 23 Celsius for best results!
Under too much direct sun, Aloe plants can get sunburned and change color. However, with time, they may become accustomed to the light.
Once it has developed its first set of true leaves, replant the germinated seedlings permanently.
It can be moved after it becomes established and begins producing pups or shoots from the base of the plant that is capable of rooting to make new plants.
Plants that become crowded can be divided and repotted to allow further growth, or the pups can be left with the mother plant.
The Closed Method
First, you should have a unique soil mix for the seedlings.
This mix is different from your usual soil mix because we want to create a mix that retains moisture for as long as possible.
Here are the ideal components:
- 1 part vermicast
- 1 part coco peat
- Cocoa chips (mulch)
- Size 00 pumice
The sort of soil you use for your garden is less important than the degree of dampness. If the soil mix is dry, the seeds will not germinate.
To create the soil mix, mix an equal ratio of vermicast and coco peat. Stir thoroughly.
Now you’re ready to plant. You can use a small bell pot. The important thing is that the pot should have drainage holes, as usual.
Cover half of the container with cocoa chips to keep the soil mix wet.
You don’t have to press the mix when you flatten it. All you want is for it to be fluffy enough that the seedlings may develop.
Now that we have our cocoa chips and soil mixed in the pot, we’re going to add water. You can make sure your seeds germinate and grow by using rainwater.
You should also thoroughly soak the planting soil with water before adding it to each pot, so that way you won’t need additional irrigation for at least one month!
Now that we have all of the ingredients for successful aloe germination, it’s time to add the aloe seeds.
Grab a small amount of the seeds (about five seeds per pot) with your fingers. Gently sprinkle the seeds on top of the cocoa chips and soil mix.
The last step is to add some pumice, which will help your seeds grow. You don’t need too much of it (about 1/4″) just enough so that the soil has plenty of moisture and support for plant life; if you spread it evenly, everything should be fine!
The hard part is over! Now we just need to cover them with plastic and seal it tightly. This will keep the soil damp until the seeds germinate.
This is the best way to keep your aloe seeds fresh for a long time. Make sure light can still enter, but no air escape so that moisture inside won’t evaporate!
Don’t worry! This method won’t kill your aloes. Instead, it will make them grow faster. As a result, they will germinate more rapidly than using a traditional open method.
It usually takes about one to two weeks for the results to show, but we need to wait one month before opening the seal.
Grow seedlings closely together for 3 months to a year, then move them to their respective pots.
How to plant (or repot) an aloe vera plant
Once your aloe plant starts to grow, you’ll want to give it the space it needs. However, there will come a time when you must report the aloe because it’s too big for its surroundings.

Follow these steps to do it:
- Prepare a wide and shallow terra-cotta pot.
- Fill the pot about a third of the way with a well-draining potting mix, then place your plant in the soil.
- Place your aloe plant in the pot so that the roots can spread out evenly inside. Fill around it with soil until there is almost 3/4 of an inch to the top.
- Don’t water the plant for about a week. The roots need time to grow into the new pot, so watering it too soon after repotting can cause root rot.
- After a week has passed, you can water your plant when the top inch of soil becomes dry. Pour slowly to avoid shocking or disturbing the roots.
Once established in its new home, your aloe vera should grow even faster than before!
Aloe vera plants can take up to 4 years before they are mature enough for your home. However, there are many variabilities when it comes to growing aloe vera plants. Some varieties take 3-4 years while others can mature within 1 year!
The leaves’ size and shape also vary between breeds: some have broader skatelike blades measuring 8 inches (20 cm) long; others feature shorter spearhead-shaped tips with serrated edges that may reach 20″.
You will need to fertilize your aloe vera when it has planted itself in its permanent home, but it does not require a fertilizer very often. If you fertilize your aloe, you should use a high in phosphorus and water-based fertilizer.
Aloe vera does not need to be fertilized in late winter or early spring when it is not actively growing, nor should you prune it at this time.
However, keep in mind that you should also wait until after your aloe vera has finished blooming before fertilizing it.
How to prune your aloe vera?
Keep your aloe vera pruned to keep its size in check, with a height of one foot being ideal.
Cutting off any excess leaves will help with this process. Cut the leaves right at the base. Make sure that you are careful not to cut any healthy leaves.
The frequency of cutting depends on the growth rate, but it should be done whenever necessary during the growing season.
Do not forget to leave a few leaves at the top of the plant, as new growth comes from those.
It would be best to always cut the outer extremities, as those are the oldest. It’s generally best to keep over five leaves so the aloe plant can continue to grow.